Water analysis accessories for regular water maintenance of the steam boiler system according to TRD 611 comprising:
- Pocket meter pH/Cond 3320 SET2 - in case incl. buffer solutions
- Sample bottles (square bottle with screw cap 500 ml)
- Dosing bottle (plastic bottle transp. 50 ml with tip)
- Spray bottle 500 ml
- Beaker low form 250 ml
- Titration burette 15 ml bottle 500 ml
- Phenolphthalein solution 1%, 50 ml
- Residual hardness measuring kit Durognost Sro
- Demkor excess solution no. 1 (1 bottle = 50 ml)
- Demkor excess solution no. 2 (1 bottle = 50 ml)
- Hydrochloric acid 0.1 ml/l (1 l bottle)